S2E02 | I Can’t Get it Out of my Head! | 余音绕梁


Saying: “The sound reverberated among the roof beams”
Pinyin: Yú Yīn Rào Liáng
Chinese: 余音绕梁


Have you ever experienced something, the impact of which lasted well beyond when you saw it or heard it? That’s what today’s particularly useful Chinese Saying is all about.

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Terms in Episode

Bùjúe不绝was prolonged
Chéngyǔ成语Chinese idiom or Saying
Dào Dé Jīng道德经Also known as the Laozi or the Tao Te Ching. One of the three main books of Daoism
Eastern Zhōu Dynasty东周The latter part of the Zhou Dynasty
Hán韩国One of the Warring States from the Eastern Zhou
Hán É韩娥A woman from Han State gifted with beauty and a great singing voice
Hénán河南Province in north China
Jiāzhōu Luòshānjī加州洛杉矶Los Angeles, California
King Tāng商汤Shang Dynasty founder
Liángcommon surname, the beam of a roof
Lièzǐ列子The Liezi. The Writings of Master Lie, one of the three main books of Daoism
Línzī临淄Qi State capital city, modern day Zibo, Shandong
Lǐ qīng qíngyì zhòng礼轻情意重The gift is a mere trifle but carries great affection
Qiān lǐ sòng é máo千里送鹅毛A swan feather from one thousand li (miles) away (see CSP episode S1E03)
齐国One of the two states that makes up present day Shandong
Ràoto revolve, to coil around
Rào liáng绕梁it reverberated among the rafters
Rào Liáng Sān Rì绕梁三日The sound reverberated for three days
Ràoliáng绕梁of a sound, to reverberate
Shang Dynasty商朝First Chinese dynasty in recorded history 1600 – 1046 BCE
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in the north of China
Shānxī山西Province in north China
Spring and Autumn Period春秋时代The first part of the latter part of the Zhou Dynasty
Sān rì三日three days
Sān rì bù jué三日不绝it didn’t stop for three days
Tāngsoup, a surname
Tāng Wèn汤问The Questions of Tāng (from the Liezi)
remaining or surplus
Yú Yīn Rào Liáng余音绕梁The sound reverberated among the roof beams
Yōng Mén雍门The West gate at the Qi capital Linzi
Zhuāngzǐ庄子Written by Master Zhuang. One of the three main books of Daoism

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S2E03 | Stop Wasting Time | 对牛弹琴


S2E01 | Too Rich for My Blood | 曲高和寡