S1E02 | Fen-Wise and Yuan-Foolish | 贪小失大


Saying: “Because you are greedy for the small thing, you end up losing the big thing”
Pinyin: Tān Xiǎo Shī Dà
Chinese: 贪小失大


In this 2nd episode of the Chinese Sayings Podcast, Laszlo introduces a story from the early 4th Century BCE; the Warring States period that preceded the unification of China under Qin Shihuang. It concerns the ruler down in the southwest kingdom of Shu, centered around Chengdu.

Thanks to his greediness for a small gift, he ended up losing big later on. He was so busy counting his pennies earned in a quick score that he lost sight of the pounds he’d lose down the road.  This ruler’s moment of weakness was immortalized by Lü Buwei in his highly respected Lü Shi Chunqiu who called him out as one who Tān Xiǎo Shī Dà.

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Terms in Episode

Bā State巴国Just east of Shu. Centered around Chongqing
chéngyǔ成语Chinese Saying, proverb, idiom
great or big
Fēn1/100th of a Yuan
King Huìwén of Qín秦惠文王King of the Qin State from 338-311 BCE (a century before Qin Dynasty founding emperor Qin Shihuang)
Lǚ Bùwéi吕不韦Early advisor to Qin King Ying Zheng (and rumored to be the King’s father). Later executed after Ying Zheng became Emperor Qin Shihuang
Lǚshì Chūnqiú吕氏春秋The Spring and Autumn Annals of Lü Buwei, a leading primary source of these times
QínThe name of the dynasty and state with the Ying 赢 family as its core
Qínlǐng Mountains秦岭山Mountain chain in southern Shaanxi separating northwest and southwest China
Shíniú Dào石牛道the Stone Cattle Road
Shīto lose
Shī dà矢大lose big
Shǎnxī陕西Province in China
Shǔ蜀国Ancient kingdom centered around Chengdu
Sìchuān四川Province in China
Tānto covet or be greedy for something
Tān Xiǎo贪小greedy for small things
Tān Xiǎo Shī Dà贪小失大because you are greedy for the small thing, you end up losing the big thing
Xīān西安Capital of Shaanxi Province, formerly known as Chang’an
Yúan1 Yuan (or 1 RMB)
Zhōngguó中国China, Middle Kingdom

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S1E03 | A Sincere Gift of a Mere Trifle | 千里送鹅毛


S1E01 | Take Care in That Melon Field | 瓜田李下