S1E01 | Take Care in That Melon Field | 瓜田李下

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Saying: “In the melon field, under a plum tree”
Pinyin: Guā Tián Lǐ Xià
Chinese: 瓜田李下


In the inaugural episode of the Chinese Sayings Podcast Laszlo introduces one of his favorites from his earliest days: Guā Tián Li Xià.  瓜田李下. This one goes all the way back to the early days of the Three Kingdoms Period. The lesson it teaches us is to watch yourself when you’re in circumstances that might possibly be misunderstood and show you in a suspicious light.

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Terms in Episode

Guā Tián Lǐ Xià瓜田李下In the melon field, under a plum tree (listen to the episode for the meaning)
Chéngyǔ成语Chinese saying or idiomatic expression
GuāA melon
TiánA field
A plum or plum tree, also the surname Li (Lee)
XiàUnderneath, below
Jūnzǐ fáng wèirán, bù chù xiányí, guātián bù nà lǚ, lǐ xià bùzhěng guān君子防未然, 不处嫌疑间,瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠A gentleman, in order to prevent suspicion, never ties his laces in a melon field and never adjusts his hat under a plum tree
Cáo Cāo曹操Chancellor from the late Eastern Han
Cáo Zhí曹植Son of Cao Cao
Cáo Pī曹丕Son of Cao Cao and founder of the Wei Kingdom

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S1E02 | Fen-Wise and Yuan-Foolish | 贪小失大