Ep. 93 | Zheng He (Part 2)

We continue on with the voyages of Zheng He. This time we look at some of the highlights from all seven voyages. Then after the Yong Le and Xuan De emperors pass from the scene, no further emperors are interested to put their seal of approval on any more of these pricey expeditions.

With historic consequences, China’s focus turns to protection from the west and northwest of the country rather than engaging in diplomacy and further exploration of the seas and distant lands.

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Cai Yuanpei蔡元培Peking Univ president whose writings helped inspire the May Fourth Movement
Da Bao En Si大报恩寺The Temple of Repaid Gratitude, also known as the Porcelain Pagoda (or Porcelain Tower)
Da Ge Da大哥大A big big brother
Fei Xin费信Author of the Xing Cha Sheng Lan, along with Ma Huan, one of the great chroniclers of the times
Gong Zhen-Another chronicler from the times of Zheng He’s voyage
Hong Bao洪保Great Eunuch admiral of Zheng He’s treasure fleet
Hongwu Emperor洪武帝Founding emperor of Ming (Zhu Yuanzhang)
Hou Xian-Great Eunuch admiral of Zheng He’s treasure fleet
Jianwen建文帝2nd Ming emperor and nemesis of Yong Le
Lin’an临安市City in Zhejiang, near Hangzhou, capital of Southern Song
Lu Xun鲁迅One of China’s greatest writers of modern times
Lu You陆游One of China’s greatest poets who lived during the period of the Southern Song
Ma Huan马欢Young Muslim chronicler of several of the voyages of Zheng He
Mazu妈祖Goddess of Sea, Protector of sailors
Nanjing Taota南京陶塔The Porcelain Pagoda of Nanjing
Niushou牛首山Bull’s Head Hill in Nanjing
Paimapi拍马屁To flatter someone (literally pat the horse’s rump)
Qilin麒麟One of the four sacred mythical animals of ancient China
Qiu Jin秋瑾Early Chinese feminist and writer during last years of the Qing. Executed by the Qing government
Shaoxing绍兴City in Zhejiang near Ningbo, home of Shaoxing wine and many famous people from Chinese history
Wang Jinghong王景洪Great Eunuch admiral of Zheng He’s treasure fleet
Wang Xizhi王羲之Ancient Jin Dynasty man of letters, considered one of the greatest calligraphers of all time
Wen Lai文莱Brunei Darussalam
Xi Shi西施One of the Four Classical Beauties of China who lived during the Spring & Autumn Period
Xing Cha Sheng Lan星槎勝览Description of the Starry Raft, Fei Xin’s chronicle of his voyages during the time of Zheng He
Yang Qing-Great Eunuch admiral of Zheng He’s treasure fleet
Ying-Yai-Sheng-Lan瀛涯胜览The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores – Ma Huan’s book about his observations during the voyages
Zhou Enlai周恩来China’s great revolutionary and premier
Zhou Man周满Great Eunuch admiral of Zheng He’s treasure fleet

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Ep. 94 | Zheng He (Part 3)


Ep. 92 | Zheng He (Part 1)