Ep. 223 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 6)

Laszlo finishes up the High Tang period of Chinese poetry. Wang Wei and Meng Haoran are showcased in this episode.

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Terms in Episode

Bái Jūyì白居易772-846, poet who lived during the Middle Tang period
Cháng’ān长安Ancient capital of more than a few dynasties/ Present day Xian
Chūn xiǎo春晓“A Spring Morning”
Dù Fǔ杜甫One of the greatest poets in Chinese history, lived 712-770.
Emperor Xuánzōng唐玄宗Also known as Emperor Ming of Tang, reigned 690-705, a total of 43 years
Gāo Qǐ高启1336-1374. Early Ming dynasty poet from Suzhou
Huáng Hè Lóu黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Hubei
Huáng Hè Lóu Sòng Mèng Hàorán zhī Guǎnglíng送孟浩然之廣陵Li Bai's poem “Sending off Mèng Hàorán at Yellow Crane Tower,”
Húběi province湖北省Province just to the north of Hunan
Jiǔ yuè jiǔ rì yì Shāndōng xiōngdì九月九日忆山东兄弟The Wang Wei poem “On the Mountain Holiday Thinking of my brothers in Shandong”
Jìnshì exam进士The most important exam of the imperial examination system. Also called the Metropolitan Exam
Liú Bié Wáng Wéi留别王维”Parting from Wang Wei”
Liú Déhǎi刘德海Shanghai born pipa master, born in 1937.
Luòyáng洛阳One of China's ancient capitals, located in Henan province
Lántián蓝田县City southeast of Xian
Lù Zhài鹿砦Wang Wei poem "Deer Park" or "The Deer Enclosure"
Lǐ Bái李白One of the greatest poets and certainly the most famous one in China. Lived 701-762
Lǐ Línfǔ李林甫Chancellor to Xuanzong. Famous for protecting his turf
Mèng Hàorán孟浩然Great Tang poet who wrote poems about nature. Lived approximately 690 to 740
Mèngzǐ孟子Ancient philosopher also known as Mencius
Nánzōng Huà南宗画Southern School of Painting
Pípa琵琶A four stringed lute-like, sort of pear shaped…plucked instrument
Pòmò破墨“Broken-ink” or splashed-ink method of ink brush painting. Called Haboku in Japanese
Quán Táng Shī全唐书The Complete Book of Tang Poetry
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in the north of China
Shānshǔi huà山水画Landscape painting
Shānshǔi shī山水诗Landscape poetry
Shānxī山西Province in northern China
Shǔimò水墨A style of brush painting that used one color of ink
Sòng Bié送别The Wang Wei poem “Farewell”
Sù Jiàndé Jiāng宿建德江“Mooring on the River at Jiàndé”
Sū Shì苏轼Statesman and literary figure extraordinaire of the Northern Song. Lived 1037-1101
Tiányuán Shī Pài田园诗派“Fields and Gardens Poets Group”
Táng Shī Sānbǎi Shǒu唐诗三百首The Three Hundred Tang Poems
Táo Yuānmíng陶渊明The progenitor of this landscape style of poetry Tao lived during the 4th-5th century (Eastern Jin)
Wáng Wéi王维Another one of the greatest Tang poets. Lived from 699-759, a contemporary of Li Bai and Du Fu
Wáng Xīzhī王羲之One of the all-timne great scholar officials of ancient times. Lined during the Jin. Called China's greatest calligrapher
Wéiqí围棋Also called Chinese chess. The Japanese call it Go 囲碁
Wén rén文人A literati
Wénrén Huà文人画Another name for landscape painting
Wǎngchuān River辋川河east of present day Xian…in the town of
Wǔhàn武汉Capital of Hubei, made up of the three cities of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang
Wǔzōng唐武宗Tang emperor from 840-846. Not a big fan of religion
Xiàngyáng No. 14 Factory向阳公司14号厂Factory in Lantian that stands adjacent to Wang Wei's tomb
Xiāng Sī相思The Wang Wei poem “Yearning”
Xiāngfán襄樊Xiangyang renamed to
Xiangfan from 1950-2010
Xiāngyáng襄阳City located up in the northwest corner of Húběi…bordering Shǎnxī and Hénán.
Xuē Taō薛涛Great Tang poet. She lived 770-832
Yòu Shíyí右拾遗The Reminder to the Right, official charged with catching all the balls that dropped and reminding the imperial court about certain overlooked matters
Zhōng Táng中唐The Middle Tang
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Also referred to as the 2nd Zhou Dynasty. This one ran 690-705 with Wu Zetian as its sole monarch
Ān Lùshān安禄山A seven year rebellion in China that lasted from 755-763



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Ep. 224 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 7)


Ep. 222 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 5)