Ep. 114 | Shang Oracle Bones

This episode takes a slightly deeper look at the Shang Dynasty and their signature achievement, the Oracle Bone Script.  Some of this episode will be a repeat of things covered way back in Ep. 15.  

Like the oldest parts of the oldest world civilizations a lot of what we “know” is the collective guesswork of the best minds researching history.  From Wang Yirong down to the present generation of scholars, new secrets of the Shang Dynasty oracle bones continue to be revealed.

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Terms in Episode

Luo Zhenyu罗振玉1866-1940 Another great Shang Scholar among many other notable achievements
Cheng Tang成汤The founder of the Shang Dynasty
Daxinzhuang大辛庄The easternmost reaches of the Shang, located near Jinan, Shandong
DiThe Shang Highest God
Di Xin帝辛The last king of the Shang
Di Zhi-The Twelve Earthly Branches zi 子, chou 丑, yin 寅, mao 卯, chen 辰, si 巳, wu 午, wei 未, shen 申, you 酉, xu 戌, hai 亥
Fu Hao妇好Wu Ding’s consort and a great woman warrior of her day
Fu Hao Mu妇好墓The Fu Hao Tomb
Fuxi伏羲First of the Three Sovereigns
Guo Moruo郭沫若1892-1978 Great writer and Chinese official of the PRC
Han Wudi汉武帝Great Han Dynasty Emperor
Huan River洹河Tributary of Yellow River running through Anyang
Jiachen sui jia yilao zizhu甲辰岁甲一牢子祝41st day of the cycle, sacrifice one ox on the first day of the week, officiated by the son
Jiafang甲方Party 1 (in a contract)
Jiaguwen甲骨文The Oracle Bone Script
Jinwen金文Bronzeware script
Jiuchi Roulin酒池肉林The Wine Pool and Meat Forest of the last Shang King Di Xin
Liushi Huajia六十花甲The Sexagenary (60-Day) Cycle
Longgu龙骨Dragon Bones
Mu Xin母辛Fu Hao’s Day Name
Sanxingdui三星堆Contemporary civilization to the Shang located near Chengdu
Shi Ji史记Sima Qian’s Records of the Grand Historian
ShunLast of the Five Emperors
TianganTianganThe Ten Heavenly Stems jia甲, yi 乙, bing 丙, ding 丁, wu 戊, ji 己, geng 庚, xin 辛, ren 壬, gui 癸
Wang Guowei王国维Scholar who followed Wang Yirong, deciphered the Shang King List
Wang Yirong (see photo)王懿榮Discoverer of the dragon bone script
Wu Ding武丁Greatest Shang King
Xia-Shang-Zhou夏商周The three bronze age dynasties of China
Xiaotun小屯Town near Anyang where the dragon bones were discovered
Yantai烟台In Shandong province, a beautiful seaside city, home of Wang Yirong
Yifang乙方Party 2 (in a contract)
Yin benji殷本紀The chapter from the Records of the Grand Historian containing the story of the Shang
Yinxu殷墟The Ruins of Yin, former capital of the Shang (near Anyang)
Yu the Great大禹Shun’s successor and founder of the Xia Dynasty

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Ep. 115 | John Service (Part 1)


Ep. 113 | Dr. Norman Bethune