Ep. 339 | The History of Chinese Medicine (Part 3)

The focus in Part 3 will be on the Song Dynasty, the Jin and the Yuan. Looming large in Chinese medicine during this fertile period was Sun Simiao, the 药王 or King of Medicines. We'll look at his life as well as many others: Wang Shuhe 王叔和, more Tao Hongjing 陶弘景, Ge Hong 葛洪, Gong Qingxuan 龚庆宣, Chao Yuanfang 巢元方, and others.

If you'll be in London Feb 1-2-3, I'll be there collaborating with the London Science Museum.

Details here: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/see-and-do/zimingzhong

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Ep. 340 | The History of Chinese Medicine (Part 4)


Ep. 338 | The History of Chinese Medicine (Part 2)