Ep. 8 | Ladies and Gentlemen, Oolong Tea

Buddhism continues to embrace tea even further during the Song Dynasty giving rise to the term 茶禪一味 "Tea and Chan Buddhism are one taste." More Huizong, white tea, Japan's Myōan Eisai, and then we'll close with an intro to Wulong (Oolong) Tea and the emergence of the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian province as a tea powerhouse.

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Terms in Episode

Sòng宋朝The Song Dynasty 960-1279
Kāimén qījiàn shì开门七件事The Seven Necessities of Daily Living in China. The original six were firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar
Tang唐朝The Tang Dynasty 618-907
Sui隋朝The Sui Dynasty 581-618
Kaifeng开封City in Henan, capital of Northern Song 960-1127
Yangzi扬子江The Yangtze River, second longest in the world, bisects China into north and south
Zhejiang浙江Coastal province in China, and a rich one at that
Jiangsu江苏Another rich and prosperous coastal province in China
Dòuchá斗茶A "tea battle" in which people face off to make the perfect cuppa
Chán BuddhismChinese school of Mahāyāna Buddhism. It developed in China from the 6th century CE onwards, becoming dominant during the Tang and Song dynasties
Xiángmó降魔藏Buddhist monk and Chan Master
Língyán Monastery灵岩寺Monastery at Tàishān where Master Xiangmo lived and taught
Jìnán济南Capital of Shandong Province
Kāiyuán Era开元Period during Tang Emperor Xuanzong's reign from 713-741
Emperor Xuánzōng唐玄宗Tang emperor who reigned from 713-756
Chá Chán Yīwèi茶禅一味Tea and Chan Buddhism one taste
Hūizōng宋徽宗Northern Song emperor who reigned from 1100-1126
Cài Xiāng蔡襄1012-1067, Chinese politician, engineer, poet, and arguably the greatest calligrapher during the Song dynasty
Cái Jīng蔡京1047-1126, Norhtern Song statesman and politician during the reign of Huizong
Sū Shì苏轼1037-1101, Also known as Su Dongpo. One of the most beloved characters from Chinese history. He was a poet, writer, politician, calligrapher, painter, pharmacologist, and gastronome
Dàguān Chálùn大观茶论The Treatise on Tea, also called General Remarks on Tea
Qing Dynasty清朝Last imperial dynasty of China, lasting 1644-1911
Yin Zhen Silver Needle白毫银针茶A kind of white tea
Zhenghe County政和县A county in northern Fujian, bordering Zhejiang
Fuding福鼎市A county-level city in northeastern Ningde prefecture level city, on Fujian's border with Zhejiang province
Fujian福建Coastal province in China south of Zhejiang
guìhuāchá桂花茶Osmanthus tea
Myōan Eisai明菴栄西1141-1215, Japanese monk credited with bringing green tea to Japan from China. He also studied the Rinzai school of Chan or Zen Buddhism
Minamoto no Yoritomo源 頼朝Founder and the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan, ruling from 1192 until 1199
Tang Tàzōng唐太宗Second Tang Dynasty emperor, also known as Li Shimin. Reigned 626-649
Wūlóng乌龙茶Oolong Tea
Pu-erh普洱茶Pu-erh tea
Guangdong广东Southernmost province on mainland China
Běiyuàn tea北苑茶Famous tea from Fujian, in brick form, was one of the earliest Tribute Teas. They were later molded into small tea cakes called Lóngfèng Tuánchá 龙凤团茶: Dragon-Phoenix Tea cakes
Yùchá御茶Imperial tribute tea
Wǔyí Yánchá武夷岩茶Wǔyí Rock Tea
Tiěguānyīn铁观音茶Iron Buddha or Goddess of Mercy tea, a kind of Oolong tea from Anxi, Fujian
Guānyīn观音The Goddess of Mercy
Ānxī安溪City in Fujian north of Xiamen and west of Quanzhou
Yán Chá岩茶 Rock tea or Cliff Tea, from the Wuyi Mountains
chánóng茶农Tea Farmers
Dà Hóng Páo大红袍A kind of Wuyishan Rock Tea with a lot of folk tales associated with it
Tiě Luóhàn铁罗汉A kind of Wuyishan Rock Tea
Bái Jī Guān白鸡冠A kind of Wuyishan Rock Tea
Shuǐ Jīnguī水金龟A kind of Wuyishan Rock Tea
Shuǐ Xiān水仙A kind of Wuyishan Rock Tea
Bā Xiān八仙A kind of Wuyishan Rock Tea
Ròu Guì肉桂A kind of Wuyishan Rock Tea
Zhèng Yán Tea正岩茶Tea that grows in the rocks in the highest peaks of the Wuyi Mountains
Bàn Yán Tea斑岩茶Tea that grows in the foothills of the Wuyi Mountains
Zhōu Tea洲茶Tea that grows near the banks of the two main rovers of the Wuyi Mountain area, the Zhoiu and Ba Xian Rivers
Bā Shǔ巴蜀The ancient Bā and Shǔ States of Sichuan
Sichuan四川Province in southwest China
Qin秦朝First imperial dynasty of China, founded by Qin Shihuang. Lasted from 221-206 BCE
Han汉朝Dynasty in China that lasted 202 BCE to 220 CE
Nántóu南投縣County located in the center of Taiwan
Jiāyì嘉義縣County located in southwest Taiwan
Huālián花蓮縣County located on the east coast of Taiwan
Ming明朝The Ming Dynasty that lasted 1368-1644
Zhū Yuánzhāng朱元璋Founder of the Ming Dynasty. He lived from 1328-1398




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Ep. 9 | The Ming Dynasty Tea Revolution


Ep. 7 | Tea During the Song Dynasty