Ep. 10 | Yixing Teaware and the Gongfu Tea Ceremony

More Ming Dynasty tea history this time. Further innovations from China's tea artisans further improves the taste and experience of tea. The famous "zisha" clay teapots and teaware from Yixing are introduced as well as their role in the Gongfu Tea Ceremony. As the second half of the Ming Dynasty starts to wind down, the Europeans will soon be knocking on China's door. They too will discover the goodness and greatness of tea with historic consequences.

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Terms in Episode

Jǐngdézhēn景德鎮City in Jiangxi where the most famous porcelain in China is made
Lake Póyáng鄱陽湖Largest feshwater lake in China located in northern Jiangxi
Jiāngxī江西Interior province just west of Fujian
Míng明朝The Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Táng唐朝The Tang Dynasty 618-907
Sòng宋朝The Song Dynasty 960-1279
Zhǔchá煮茶To boil tea leaves to prepare tea
Mǒchá抹茶Ground powdered tea. called matcha in Japanese
Pàochá泡茶To steep tea leaves in a teapot
Yǒnglè永乐帝Ming Emperor who reigned 1403-1424
Shānxi山西Northern province east of Shaanxi
Shǎnxi陕西Northern province west of Shanxi
Jīna "Chinese Pound", also called a "catty", 1.1 pounds
Sòng Tàizǔ宋太祖Temple name of Zhao Kuangyin, founder of the Song Dynasty
Xǐ chá洗茶To "wash" the tea
Yíxìng宜兴City in Jiangsu province famous for their clay tea pots. Formerly known as Yangxian
Mount Gùzhǔ顾渚山Located near Changxing in Zhejiang Province, it was the site of both Jinsha Spring and the famous tribute tea Purple Bamboo.
Zǐsǔn Chá紫笋茶Purple Bamboo Tea
Lù Yǔ陆羽The Tea Saint, and author of the Classic of Tea. He lived 733-804
Chá Jīng茶经The Tea Classic, Lu Yu's most famous work
Yángxiàn阳羡Former name of the city of Yíxìng, located in Jiangsu Province
Yángxiàn tea阳羡茶Yangxian Purple Bamboo Tea, one of the earliest true Tribute Teas of China
Lú Tóng卢仝790-835, perhaps the most famous "Tea Person" in Tang Dynasty China, other than the Tea Saint himself
Déhuá德华in central Fujian west of Quánzhōu developed quite a porcelain legacy
Zǐshā紫砂Purple clay used in the manufacture of clay teapots
Pǔ-ěrh普洱A variety of fermented tea that comes from Yunnan province in China
Tiěguānyīn铁观音Iron Buddha or Goddess of Mercy tea, a kind of Oolong tea from Anxi, Fujian
Yǎng hú养壶to "raise" or season a teapot
Gōngfu tea功夫茶A careful deliberate way to prepare tea to obtain the maximum enjoyment from the beverage
Cha no Yu茶の湯Another name for the Japanese Tea Ceremony
pǐnmíngbēi品茗杯A "tea sipping cup" that is part of the gongfu tea preparation
PǐnTo sip (among other definitions)
MíngAnother character for tea
bēiA cup
Cháhé茶荷A tea scoop used to retrieve the tea leaves from your jar or container
Chápán茶盘A Tea Tray used to carry out a gongfu tea ceremony
Gàiwǎn盖碗A lidded tea bowl used for preparing and drinking tea
GàiA lid or cover
WǎnA bowl
Fújiàn福建Coastal province in southern China
Zhū Yuánzhāng朱元璋Founder of the Ming Dynasty. He lived from 1328-1398
Wànlì Emperor万历帝1573 to 1620
Shén Nóng神农The Divine Farmer, an ancient mythological figure of Chinese pre-history, credited with (among many other things) the discovery of tea
Suí隋朝The Sui Dynasty 581-618
Princess Wénchéng文成公主Princess Wénchéng, niece of Tang Emperor Taizong. Chinese tradition says she brought tea and Buddhism to the Tibetan people following her marriage to their great king Songtsen Gampo

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Ep. 11 | Europeans Discover Tea


Ep. 9 | The Ming Dynasty Tea Revolution