S2E09 | Whole Lotta Love | 琴瑟和鸣


Saying: “The Qin and Se play their sounds together”
Pinyin: Qín Sè Hè Míng
Chinese: 琴瑟和鸣


Laszlo tells a story of true love between two literary famosas from the Song Dynasty. Theirs was the perfect love that contained all the ingredients of marital bliss except length of years together.

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Terms in Episode

Ài Lán Xuān艾兰轩A collection of poems written during the Yuan Dynasty that followed the fall of the Song
Eastern Zhōu Dynasty东周The latter half of the Zhou Dynasty. Eastern Zhou ran 770-225 BCE
Gōngxǐ nǐ恭喜你Congratulations!
Huīzōng徽宗Tragic emperor of the Northern Song, a great artist too
Hángzhōu杭州Capital of the Southern Song 1127-1276, called Lin’an back then. Today the capital of Zhejiang Province
to join in the singing or to chime in with others
Hēilóngjiāng黑龙江One of the three provinces of Manchuria in the northeast
Jī Míng Gǒu Dào鸡鸣狗盗Crow like a cock and Snatch like a dog…use low-handed tricks to get what you want
Jīnshí Lù金石录a 30-volume work on ancient Chinese epigraphy credited to Zhao Mingcheng with the assistance of Li Qingzhao
Kāifēng开封Capital of the Northern Song (not called Kaifeng back then)
Luk Yu Teahouse陸羽茶室Famous restaurant and tea house on Stanley Street in Hong Kong, established in 1933. They always seat me upstairs
Lǐ Qīngzhào李清照One of China’s greatest poets of Imperial times. She lived from 1084-1155
MíngThe sound of an animal, a musical sound
Northern Sòng北宋The first half of the Song Dynasty that ran from 960 to 1127 when the capital was at Kaifeng
Nánjīng南京Later, the capital of the Ming Dynasty and Republic of China, today the capital of Jiangsu Province
Qína general term for a stringed instrument, today referred to as a seven stringed gǔqín (古琴)
Qín Sè琴瑟The Qín and the Sè
Qín Sè Hè Míng琴瑟和鸣The Qin and Se play their sounds together, marital bliss
Shāndōng province山东省Northern coastal province, the land of Qi and Lu
Shāng Dynasty商朝China’s first dynasty (1600-1046 BCE) for which written records exist
Spring & Autumn Period春秋First half of the Eastern Zhou, approximately 771-476 BCE
a larger instrument with 25-50 strings
Sū Dōngpō苏东坡 (Sū Shì 苏轼)Famous Northern Song era statesman, politician, poet, calligrapher, causeway builder and gastronome extraordinaire
Warring States Period战国The second half of the Eastern Zhou, 475-221 BCE
Zhào Míngchéng赵明诚1081 to 1129, giant in the field of Ancient Chinese epigraphy, husand of Li Qingzhao

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S2E08 | Give it All You’ve Got | 一鼓作气