S2E07 | Double Sorrow | 人琴俱亡


Saying: “The Man and the Zither have perished”
Pinyin: Rén Qín Jù Wáng
Chinese: 人琴俱亡


Here’s another musical chengyu with an injection of sadness. It’s a theme that has inspired movies, plays, and every kind of literature. When your eye catches an object that reminds you of someone important in your life who had passed away. It also features some literati megastars from Chinese cultural history.

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Terms in Episode

chūzì出自derivation, come from, originate from
Duì Niú Tán Qín对牛弹琴play a lute to an ox
Eastern Jin东晋Second half of Jin Dynasty (317-420) when the capital was at Jiànkāng 建康 Capital of Eastern Jin (modern day Nanjing)
all, entirely, together
both, together
Liú Sòng刘宋first of the Southern Dynasties
Liú Yìqìng刘义庆Liu Song Dynasty scholar, compiled the Shi Shuo Xin Yu
Lántíng Xù兰亭序“Preface to the Poems Collected from the Orchid Pavilion”
Nan Bei Chao南北朝the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period – 420-589
Qína Chinese lute or zither
Réna person
Rén Qín人琴the man and the lute or zither
Rén Qín Jù Wáng人琴俱亡The Man and the Zither Have Perished
Shàoxīng绍兴City in Zhejiang famous for its wine and legacy of scholars
Shìshuō Xīnyǔ世说新语A New Account of the Tales of the World compiled by Liu Yiqing
Shū Shèng书圣the Saint of calligraphy (Wang Xizhi)
Tàizōng emperor唐太宗co-founder of the Tang Dynasty, a.k.a. Li Shimin
wángto die, perish
Wáng Huīzhī王徽之Older brother of Wang Xianzhi
Wáng Xiànzhī王献之Younger son of Wang Xizhi and his equal in calligraphy
Zhèjiāng Province浙江省Rich coastal province

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S2E08 | Give it All You’ve Got | 一鼓作气


S2E06 | I Love You Man! | 高山流水