S2E04 | Surrounded! | 四面楚歌


Saying: “Surrounded on four sides with the Song of Chu”
Pinyin: Sì Miàn Chǔ Gē
Chinese: 四面楚歌


Hopefully none of us will ever face these circumstances…but when all is lost and you’re surrounded by enemies trying to take you down, remember the Songs of the ancient state of Chu.

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Terms in Episode

Ānhuì安徽Inland province in China
Chén Kǎigē陈凯歌b. 1952, One of the greats from China’s “5th Generation” of Film Directors
Chén Píng陈平Chancellor during early Western Han
Chǔ楚国Chu State or Chu Kingdom
Chǔ Gē楚歌songs from Chu or Chu folk songs
Chǔ Hé Hàn Jiè楚河汉界Chu River and Han Border
Chǔ-Hàn zhī zhēng楚汉之争Chǔ-Hàn Contention, the epic battle between Xiang Yu of Chu vs. Liu Bang of Han
Eastern Zhou东周The Eastern Zhou Dynasty 776-256 BCE
Farewell My Concubine霸王别姬1993 Film by Chen Kaige starring the late great Leslie Cheung
Gāixià垓下Site of final showdown between Liu Bang and Xiang u, present day Sùzhōu (宿州) in Anhui Province
Hàn Dynasty汉朝One of the great dynasties of China’s past 206 BCE to 220 CE
Hán Xìn韩信Liu Bang’s main general during the early Western Han
Hóng Canal鸿沟Located in Xíngyáng County Henan Province
Hǔběi湖北Province located north of Hunan
Hǔnán湖南Central province of China
Liú Bāng刘邦Ruler of the Han State
Miànface, to face someone or something, a side of something
Péngchéng彭城ancient name of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
QínThe first imperial dynasty in China 221-206 BCE
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇First Emperor of China 221-210 BCE
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in North China. Not as rich as Zhejiang but not poor either
Shǐ Jì史记The Records of the Grand Historian
Sì Miàn Chǔ Gē四面楚歌Surrounded on four sides with the Song of Chu
Sìmiàn四面four sides
Xiàng Yǔ项羽232-202 BCE, Late Qin warlord, fought against Liu Bang for supremacy of China after Qin Shihuang’s death
Xiàng Yǔ Běnjì项羽本纪The chapter of the Records of the Grand Historian that deals with Xiang Yu
Xiàngqí象棋Chinese Chess
Xúzhōu徐州fourth largest city in Jiangsu province
Xīān西安Known in ancient times as Chang’an, capital of several dynasties
Yú Jī虞姬Consort Yu
Zhéjiāng浙江Rich coastal province
Zhāng Liáng张良Statesman and strategist of the Western Han

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S2E03 | Stop Wasting Time | 对牛弹琴