Ep. 296 | Sino-Roman Relations (Part 2)

In this episode, we will finish up this overview of the relations between Rome and China. The Roman Empire in the West ended in 476. In this Part 2 episode, we'll look at relations between the Byzantine Empire and China during the Tang, Song, and Yuan. As you'll soon discover the Nestorians and then later the Catholics led by John of Montecorvino dominated official and unofficial relations between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Empire of China.

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Terms in Episode

Táng唐朝Dynasty thay ran 618 to 907
Sòng宋朝Dynasty that ran 960-1279
Yuán元朝Dynasty that ran 1279-1368
Hàn Dynasty汉朝Dynasty that ran 202 BC to 220 AD
Chang’an长安Ancient capital of many dynasties. Located in and around present-day Xian
Zhāng Qiān张骞Late 2nd century BC explorer and diplomat who had an amazing trip to the western regions of China abd beyond during the reign of Han Emperor Wu
Qín秦朝The Qin Dynasty 221-206 BC
Three Kingdoms三国时代Period in China than ran from the fall of the Han iun 220 to the establishment of the Western Jin in 280
Jìn晋朝The Jin Dynasty 265-420 (Western Jin 265-316 and Eastern Jin 317-420)
Eastern Jìn Dynasty东晋Second part of the Jin Dynasty that ran 317-420
Suí Dynasty 隋朝Dynasty that ran 581-618
Emperors Wén and Yáng隋文帝/ 隋炀帝The two emperors of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen and Emperor Yang
Fúlǐn拂菻Believed to be a Chinese transliteration of the word Rome in the Iranian languages of the day
Jiù Táng Shū旧唐书Old Book of Tang
Emperor Wǔ of Jìn晋武帝a.k.a. Sima Yan 司马炎, founding emperor of the Jin Dyansty. Reigned 266-290
Emperor Tàizōng唐太宗Second Tang Dynasty Emperor. Reigned 626-649
Bōduōlì波多力The name that Emperor Constans II was referred to in the Old Book of Tang
Bān Chāo班超32-102, great military strategist and conquerer of China's northwest regions
Gān Yīng甘英a Chinese diplomat, explorer, and military official who was sent on a mission to the Roman Empire in 97 CE by the Chinese military general Ban Chao
Wénxiàn Tōngkǎo文献通考Book written during the Yuán by Mǎ Duànlín 马端临 containing 348 volumes that offers us a nice window into all aspects of the Chinese state from ancient times to the early 13th century in the Southern Sòng
Emperor Gāozōng唐高宗Son of Taizong. Reigned 649-683
Wǔ Zétiān武则天Lived 624-705, Empress Consort to Tang Gaozong, first emperor of (the second) Zhou Dynasty
Lǐ Bái李白Great Tang poet, considered one of the best ever
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Empress Wu's dynasty from 690-705
Kāiyuán Era开元The era during Tang Emperor Xuanzong's reign when the Tang hit one of its two high notes
Xuánzōng唐玄宗Emperor of China from 712-756
Ān Lùshān Rebellion安禄山之乱National rebellion in China that almost toppled the Tang Dynastry. Lasted from 755-763
Jǐngjiào景教Nestorian Christianity
Liú Sòng刘宋Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties Period. The Liu Song lasted 420-479
Luòyáng洛阳Ancient capital of many dynasties. Located in Henan Province
Dà Shí大食Arabs (archaic term)
Kāifēng开封City in Henan Province, was capital of the Northern Song
Northern Sòng北宋First half of the Song Dynasty when it was located in Kaifeng, 960-1127
Dà Dū大都Yuan Dynasty capital. Today the city of Beijing
Āluóběn阿罗本Alopen, considered the first Christian missionary to China
Xīān西安Capital of Shaanxi Province
Wǔzōng Emperor唐武宗Tang Emperor from 840-846. Not a friend of foreign religions
Shénzōng宋神宗Song Emperor from 1067-1085
Zhézōng宋哲宗Song Emperor from 1085-1100, older half brother to Emperor Huizong
Yuán Emperor Chéngzōng元成宗A.K.A. Temür Khan, grandson of Kublai Khan and second Yuan Dynasty emperor. Reigned 1294-1307
Fujian福建Province on southeast coast of China
Xiàmén厦门Major city on ther coast of Fujian
Quánzhōu泉州Another major and historic city on the Fujian coast
Zhū Yuánzhāng朱元璋Founder of the Ming Dynasty, a.k.a. The Hongwu Emperor


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Ep. 297 | Austro-German Jewish Musicians in Wartime Shanghai


Ep. 295 | Sino-Roman Relations (Part 1)