Ep. 290 | The History of Hainan (Part 1)

Laszlo welcomes California State University professor Dr. Jeremy Murray onto the CHP to help introduce the history of Hainan. In this Part 1 episode, they discuss the Hainan history timeline up to the end of the Ming Dynasty.

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Terms in Episode

Hǎinán海南Island province off the coast of Guangdong
Sānyà三亚Historic resort city at the southern tip of Hainan
Hǎitáng Bay海棠湾One of the bays around Sanya with a few nice resorts
Chūnjiè春节The Spring Festival, a.k.a. Chinese New Year
Bó'áo Forum博鳌亚洲论坛The Bo'ao Forum of Asia, a non-profit organisation that hosts high-level forums for leaders from government, business and academia in Asia and other continents to share their vision on the most pressing issues in this dynamic region and the world at large.
Tiān Gāo Huángdì Yuǎn天高皇帝远Refers to remote places where law and decrees are not strictly enforced. Literally The sky is high and the emperor is far away
Qióngfine jade
Zhūyá珠崖The historic name of Hainan Island
Qióngyá琼崖Another historic name of Hainan Island
Qióngzhōu琼州Yet another historic name of Hainan Island
Tiānyá Hǎijiǎo天涯海角the ends of the earth; remotest corners of the earth
ShāngThe Shang Dynasty 1600-1046 BC
ZhōuThe Zhou Dynasty 1046-221 BC
QínThe Qin Dynasty 221-207 BC
XiàThe mythical Xia Dynasty 2070-1600 BC
HànThe Han Dynasty 206 BC to 220 AD
Lí Zú黎族The Li ethnic group (who inhabit parts of Guangdong and Hainan),also referred to as the Hlai people
Miáo Zú苗族Also known as ther Hmong, an ethnic group in southwest China (Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan as well as in Vietnam
Zhuàng Zú壮族The Zhuang ethnic group who are found mostly in Guangxi, Yunnan and Guangdong
Utstat / Utsul回辉人Also known as the Utset, Huihui, Hui or Hainan Cham. They are mostly found in southermost Hainan
Hàn Chinese汉族The largest ethnic group in China comprising more than 90-95% of the population
Shúripe, cooked, done (cooking)
Shēng(among many meanings) unripe, green (the opposite of shú 熟)
Pǔ'ěr普洱A kind of "fermented" tea that is made from a special process and only found in Yunnan Province but enjoyed all over the world
Kra Dai壯侗語系The Kra–Dai languages (also known as Tai–Kadai and Daic) are a language family of tonal languages found in Mainland Southeast Asia, Southern China and Northeast India. They include Thai and Lao,
Lú Bódé路博德Western Han general who attacked the island of Hainan and divided the new territory into the twin prefectures of Zhuya (珠崖郡) and Dan'er (儋耳郡) thus also annexing Hainan island into the Han empire.
TángThe Tang Dynasty 618-907 AD
SòngThe Song Dynasty 960-1279
SuíThe Sui Dynasty 581-617 AD
Wǔ Gōng五公The Five Lords or Five Ministers (who were banished to Hainan)
Wǔ Gōng Cí五公祠The Temple of the Five Lords
Lǐ Déyù李德裕787-850, Tang era chancellor during the reigns of Wenzong and Wuzong
Lǐ Gāng李纲1083-1140, Song dynasty official and military leader at the time of the fall of the Northern Song
Lǐ Guāng李光1078-1159, Song dynasty official once banished to Hainan
Zhào Dǐng赵鼎1085-1147, Song dynasty official once banished to Hainan
Hú Quán胡铨1102-1180, Song dyansty official once banished to Hainan
Táng Wénzōng唐文宗Tang Dynasty emperor who reigned 827-840
Táng Wǔzōng唐武宗Tang Dynasty emperor who reigned 840-846
Hǎikǒu海口Capital of Hainan Province, located in the north
Sū Shì苏轼1037-1101, one of the all-time greats from Chinese literature. An official serving during the Northern Song
Sū Dōngpō苏东坡Another name for Su Shi (see above)
Zhāng Zhōng张中Military official in Hainan who allowed Su Shi to reside in the compound there
Dānzhōu儋州City oin northern Hainan where Su Shi lived during his time there.
Hǎi Ruì海瑞1514-1587, Hainan-born honest and upright Ming Dynasty official
Wú Hán吴晗1909-1969, China historian, official and playwrite
Hǎi Ruì Bàguān海瑞罢官The play, Hai Rui Dismissed From Office, written by Wu Han that was accused of being an allegory for the dismissal of Peng Dehuai by Chairman Mao
Qióngzhōu琼州a prefecture between the 7th and 14th centuries in modern Hainan, China
Jiājìng嘉靖帝Ming Dyansty emperor who reigned 1521-1567
MíngThe Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Péng Déhuái彭德怀1898-1974, great military leader and revolutionary of the PRC
gùxiāng故乡hometown, birthplace
Lú Shān庐山A famous holiday resort in Jiangxi where a few historic conferences took place
Lín Biāo林彪1908-1971, PRC Defense MInister during the Cultural Revolution
YuánThe Yuan Dynasty 1279-1368
Léizhōu Peninsula雷州半岛The peninsula located on the southwest end of Guangdong province across from Hainan
Guǎngdōng广东Southern coast province of China


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Ep. 291 | The History of Hainan (Part 2)


Ep. 289 | China’s Himmler, Dai Li (Part 3)