Ep. 157 | The Rise and Fall of the Qin (Part 1)

In this first of three episodes Laszlo gives Qin Shihuang, the subject of the first ever China History Podcast episode, a total makeover.  The story begins with the early rise of the Qin State during the early Zhou Dynasty.  The critical dukes and kings of the Ying family who advanced the fortunes of the Qin State will be introduced and what they did during their reigns. Part 1 will begin with Qin’s earliest ancestors who received favor from the Zhou King for their loyalty to the dynasty. The episode will conclude with the great things done under the reign of Duke Xiao and his advisor Shang Yang.

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Terms in Episode

Anhui安徽Central China province
Ba巴国Ba State near Chongqing
Battle of Changping长平之战The bloody battle where the Qin demolished the Zhao 262-260 BCE
Bawang霸王A hegemon
Beidi北狄One of the four “barbarians”
chelie车裂death by being pulled apart by 5 chariots
Chengzhou成周Ancient name of Luoyang
Chu楚国Chu State near Hubei
Dongyi东夷One of the four “barbarians”
Duke Wen秦文公Qin ruler 765-716 BCE
Duke Xiang秦襄公Qin leader 777-766 BCE
Duke Xiao (Qin Xiao Gong)秦孝公He lived 381 to 338 BCE
Fan Sui范睢died 255 BCE, gave his king the strategy of yuanjiao jingong.
Gansu甘肃Western Province in China
Han Feizi韩非子lived from 280 to 236 BCE The man who made Legalism famous
Hebei河北North-central China province
Henan河南Central China province
Huaxia华夏Ancient core China early name
Hubei湖北Central China province
Ji Family姬家族The Zhou Dynasty ruling family
King Helü阖闾King of Wu 514-496 BCE
King Zhaoxiang昭襄王Qin leader, reined 306-251 BCE
Lintong, Shaanxi陕西临潼Town outside Xian where the terra cotta warriors were found
Linzi临淄just east of modern day Zibo
Liu Bang刘邦Han Dynasty founder
Luoyang洛阳Eastern capital of the Zhou Dynasty
Nanman南蛮One of the four “barbarians”
PiA kind of ancient weapon similar to a dagger on a long stick
Puyi溥仪China’s Last Emperor
Qi齐国Qi State near Shandong
Qi Xiong七雄The final seven warring states
Qin Mu Gong秦穆公Qin Ruler 659-621 BCE
Qin Shi Huang秦始皇The first emperor of China, Qin Dynasty founder
Ren duo hao ban shi人多好办事When you have a lot of people to do the job, it’s much easier
Rong“Barbarian” people to the west and north of the core China
San Jia Fen Jìn三家分晋the Partition of Jin between 434 and 403 BCE
Shaanxi and Shanxi陕西/山西Neighboring provinces that almost sound the same
Shandong山东North eastern province of China
Shang商朝The Shang Dynasty
Shang Jun Shu商君书Also called The Shangzi 商子 credited to Shang Yang, the blueprint for Legalism and how to run the Qin State.
Shang Yang商鞅Great Qin statesman, helped make the Qin. 390-338 BCE
Shiknight, scholar
Shiji史记The Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Qian
Shu蜀国Shu State near Chengdu
Si Yi四夷The “Four Barbarians”
Sima Qian司马迁China’s Herodotus
Song Dynasty宋朝The Song Dynasty
Taiyuan太原Capital of Shanxi
The Battle of Jìnyáng金阳之战Battle of Jinyang 455-453 BCE
Tianshui天水Gansu’s second largest city after Lanzhou
Wei River渭河One of the major tributaries of the Yellow River
Wu State吴国State around Suzhou-Wuxi area
Xia夏朝The Xia Dynasty, mythical they say it was…
Xian西安Capital of Shaanxi, one of China’s most ancient cities
Xiang Yu项羽The hegemon of Chu State, fought Liu Bang and lost. Featured in CHP episode 91
Y.K. Pao包玉刚Featured in CHP-124, HK tycoon and philanthropist
Yan燕国Yan State near Beijing
YingThe surname of the Qin Kings and Dukes
Ying Zheng嬴政Qin Shihuang’s name
Ying Zhuangxiang秦庄襄王Qin Shihuang’s father
Yu the Great (Da Yu)大禹Xia Dynasty Founder
yuan jiao jin gong远交近攻Make allies of those far away in order to focus on defeating those who are nearby
Yue越国Yue State near Zhejiang
Zaixiang宰相chancellor or chief minister
Zhao赵国Zhao State in the Yellow River Valley
Zhi state智国The Zhi state, annihilated at the Battle of Jinyang
Zhongguo ren中国人A Chinese
Zhou周朝The Zhou Dynasty
Zhou King Ping周平王Zhou King 770-720
zhulian jiuzu株连九族a.k.a. the zuzhu 族诛 That meant when Shang Yang went down, so did his whole family: parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, uncles and uncle’s spouses…they all had to go

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Ep. 158 | The Rise and Fall of the Qin (Part 2)


Ep. 156 | Joseph Needham (Part 2)