Ep. 151 | The Flying Tigers (Part 1)
In this Part 1 episode, Laszlo provides all the setup and background for the magnificent story of the American Volunteer Group, known more popularly as The Flying Tigers. Theirs was only an eight month-long story but their success at a time when all seemed hopeless provided an inspiration to many and showed Japan was not invincible.
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Terms in Episode
Pinyin/Term | Chinese | English/Meaning |
Baituan Dazhan | 百团大战 | The Hundred Regiments Offensive late 1940 |
Chongqing | 重庆 | The wartime capital of Chongqing (also known as Chungking) |
Dianmian Gonglu | 滇缅公路 | The Burma Road |
Jiuyiba | 九一八 | The Mukden Incident of 9-18-1931 |
Kunming | 昆明 | Capital of Yunnan province. Terminus of the Burma Road |
Maguan Tiaoyue | 马关条约 | The Treaty of Shimonoseki 1895 |
Meiling | 宋美龄 | Youngest sister, Song Meiling, Madame Chiang Kai-shek |
Peng Dehuai | 彭德怀 | Legendary PLA general who led the Hundred Regiments Offensive |
Qingling | 宋庆龄 | Middle sister, Song Qingling, Madame Sun Yat-sen |
Qiqi Shibian | 七七事变 | The Marco Polo Bridge Incident 7-7-1937 |
Sanguang Zhengce | 三光政策 | Japan’s horrific Three All’s Policy |
Song Ailing | 宋蔼龄 | Oldest sister, Song Ailing, wife of Winston H.H. Kung |
T.V. Soong | 宋子文 | The often US-based brother of the Song sisters |
Zhong-Mei guanxi | 中美关系 | Sino-US relations |
Zhōng-Mei hezuo | 中美合作 | Sino-US cooperation |

In post-228 Taiwan, extraordinary events start to happen, one after another.