Ep. 123 | The History of the Chinese in Mexico

After the longest delay in between CHP episodes ever, we resume our Chinese history voyage. This time we look at a topic that isn’t particularly well-known but offers a glimpse of one sliver of the Chinese diaspora that began once the Qing Dynasty began to fall on hard times.

The story of the Chinese Mexicans is typical in some respects. They came to Mexico either because they wanted to and saw it as a land of opportunity or they came because it was the next best thing to emigrating to the United States. Many stayed in Mexico despite great hardships and the usual racism directed against them. But most either moved on to try their luck in the US or they were forced out by racist and nationalistic anti-Chinese immigration policies.

If you’re interested in learning more about the subject, I strongly encourage you to check out the books linked in the Resources section.

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Terms in Episode

Alvaro Obregon-39th president of Mexico
Baja-Refers to Baja California, the northern of the two states that make up the Baja Peninsula. Baja California Sur is the southern state
Benito Juarez-26th president of Mexico
Chihuahua-Northern Mexican state. Borders New Mexico and West Texas
Chin Pinoy-Six Companies agent in Cuba
Coahuila-Northern Mexican state that borders Texas
Comité Directivo de Antichinismo Nacional-One of many organizations dedicated to expelling the Chinese from Mexico
Compañia de Colonización Asiatica-The company given the exclusive right to import Chinese labor
Da Lusong大吕宋Big Lusong, what the Chinese called Mexico
Durango-Northwest Mexican state
El Barrio Chino-The Chinatown of Mexico City
El Presidente-The president
Estados Unidos Mexicanos墨西哥Official name of Mexico, the United States of Mexico
Francisco Madero-Mexican statesman and revolutionary, assassinated in 1913
Francisco S. Elias-Governor of Sonora 1929-1931
fronterizos-The Mexican Chinese who toughed it out in the northern states
Guanxi关系Personal relationships and a whole lot more
Guaymas-Coastal city in Sonora
Hermosillo-Capital of Sonora State
José Mária Arana-The champion for the cause of expelling all Chinese from Mexico. A leader of the anti-Chinese movement
La Chinesca-The Chinatown of Mexicali
La Liga Nacional Obrera Antichina-Another organization dedicated to expelling the Chinese from Mexico
La Migra-The slang word used to call the US Immigration and Customs Service
Lázaro Cárdenas-44th president of Mexico 1934-1940
Magdalena-City in Sonora
Matias Romero-Mexican politician and government official, lobbied hard for the passing of the Treaty of Amity & Commerce
Movimento Anti-Chino-The Anti-Chinese Movement (in Mexico)
Nogales-Major city in Sonora located on the border with Arizona
Obregon-City on Sonora
Partido Revolucionario Institucional-The PRI, Mexico’s dominant political party for over 70 years
Porfirio Díaz-Long serving 29th president of Mexico, ushered in a period of modernization and economic growth
Revolución Mexicana-The Mexican Revolution
Rodolfo Elias Calles-Governor of Sonora 1931-1935
Sonora-Northern State in Mexico
Tlaxcala-Very small state in Mexico located in the east-central part of the country
Torreón-Located in the western part of Coahuila State
Xiao Lusong小吕宋Small Lusong, what the Chinese called the Philippines
Zhonghua Huiguan中华会馆The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association



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Ep. 124 | Sir Y.K. Pao


Ep. 122 | The Chinese Civil War (Part 4)