Ep. 119 | The Chinese Civil War (Part 1)

In this week’s episode, we begin a multi-part series covering the Chinese Civil War from 1945 to 1949. In China, this is known as the War of Liberation. In this Part 1, we will look at the background leading up to the war as well as failed attempts by the Americans in 1945-1946 to mediate a peace between Mao’s Communists and the Nationalists led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.

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Terms in Episode

Battle of Red Cliffs赤壁之战Epic battle (and blockbuster movie) where Cao Cao met his Waterloo during the Three Kingdoms Period
Changchun长春Capital of Manchukuo and Jilin Province
Chen Yi陈毅Great PLA general
Dalian大连Port city in Liaoning
Dongbei东北The northeast (Manchuria)
Harbin哈尔滨Capital of Heilongjiang
He Long贺龙Great PLA general
Heilongjiang黑龙江Province of Manchuria
Jilin吉林Province of Manchuria
Jinggangshan井冈山In Jiangxi, on the Hunan border, where Mao set up a successful Soviet
Koumi Fujian口蜜腹剑Sweet talking but a sword in the belly
Li Xiannian李先念Great PLA general
Liaoning辽宁Province of Manchuria
Lin Biao林彪Great PLA general
Liu Shaoqu刘少奇Early political leader of the CCP
Manchukuo满洲国Japanese puppet state in Manchuria
Nie Rongzhen聂荣臻Great PLA general
Nongmin农民Peasants, farmers
Qiangganzi limian chu zhengquan枪杆子里面出政权Power grows from the barrol of a gun
Qin Shihuang秦始皇The great Qin dynasty founder
Ren Bishi任弼时Great PLA general and political figure. Died 1950.
Shenyang沈阳Industrial city on Liaoning
Song Jiaoren宋教仁One of the founders of KMT, assassinated in 1913
Xian Incident西安事变December 1936, in a plot led by Marshall Zhang Xueliang, Chiang Kai-shek is kidnapped
Zhang Zuolin张作霖Warlord of Manchuria
Zhongguo laobaixing中国老百姓The Chinese people
Zhongguo renmin jiefangjun中国人民解放军The PLA
Zhou Gong周公The Duke of Zhou

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Ep. 120 | The Chinese Civil War (Part 2)


Ep. 118 | John Service (Part 4)